My first novel, Charlie, is available for pre-order on Amazon right now! The paperback will be ready very soon! Get the ebook here! – Charlie on
New Novel Coming Soon
In the early 1970s, Charlie, a teenage runaway, and a vampire named Caroline meet, and the course of Charlie’s life is changed forever. Caroline wants a partner, for eternity, and Charlie wants to escape to Los Angeles. We follow as their relationship blooms and decays into madness.
Danny mix
[8tracks width=”600″ height=”600″ playops=”” url=”″] Some songs I’m listening to while rereading the Danny stories in preparation for writing What Danny Did.
New Story in Development
Okay, so after some false starts and dead-end ideas, I’m almost 100% decided what the next story will be. I’ve had a series of scenes in my head that I’ve wanted to work into the series, but never really had a place for. I’ve figured out a pretty solid way to make use of them…
10 Books
So I saw a thing on Twitter where someone posted a photo of 10 books that influenced them. Here are mine. Not pictured: The Great Shark Hunt by Hunter S. Thompson (because, for some reason, I can’t find any of my HST books. I must have a box or two of books in a closet)…
I’ve decided I like it much better without the “A Vampire Story” subtitle.
New covers
Since I’ve decided to take the “A Vampire Story” out of the title, I needed to remake the covers. Luckily, I still had the photoshop files for all but one of them. I had to rebuilt Devon from scratch, but it wasn’t too hard. Even though I really liked the comic book style template I…
Just for fun, here’s a short list of movies/books/TV shows that have had a direct influence on Bloodletting: Blade RunnerMulholland DriveJacob’s LadderThe Stand (the novel)The Shining (mostly the novel, but also the Kubrick movie)Time After TimeBoogie NightsNear DarkA Clockwork OrangeAlienThe World According to GarpAuditionThe Breakfast Club (seriously) High TensionVarious HP Lovecraft worksLost (the TV show)Mad…
The V Word
Something that bothers me about zombie stories and movies is when they refuse to call the reanimated corpses zombies. The Walking Dead being the most obvious example, calling them “walkers” or “biters” or “geeks” or anything but zombies. They approach the story as though the concept of zombies in pop culture never existed and there’s…
Ferguson, Self Reflection, Institutional Racism and Bullying
It’s probably not smart to express a strong social/political opinion on the blog for my writing, but I’ve been doing pretty much nothing but that this week on twitter, and honestly, if you aren’t outraged by what’s happening in Ferguson, Missouri, The United States of America, then I’m not too worried about offending you, because…
Robin Williams and suicide
I wish I could express how profoundly sad I am about the loss of Robin Williams. As a comedian, he was a genius, with a mind that seemed to burn at a temperature mere mortals could never have tolerated. As an actor, he was sensitive, empathetic, and almost disturbingly honest. Losing the brilliance of his…
Victoria 2.2 live on amazon!
The new story is up and ready to go! Bloodletting: Book 2.2 – Victoria London’s East End in the 1880s isn’t an easy place to live, and life is especially difficult for Victoria and Mary-Ellen, two prostitutes trying to stay alive. That becomes more challenging after Mary-Ellen stumbles onto Jack the Ripper. This volume in the…
About Joe
Joe Humphrey is an American writer living in Canada. Bloodletting is a passion project in development for over fifteen years. His selfie game is strong.